The ToBe Project ... For a newer version= see "The ToBe Project"
The Global Challenges Foundation in Sweden established a $1-5 million prize for designing a new global system.. Rather than designing a proposed Constitution and hoping that it would be implemented, we proposed an out-of-the-box strategy for facilitating all the people to come together as a global "We the People." This would be an adjustment to the existing structure of global society by which a new global System could emerge ... in governance (i.e. Wise Democracy), economics (i.e. ToBe-ism) and the culture (i.e. ESSEBA). And a new Situation (i.e. to remedy the Tragedy of the Commons) And where this new empowered, intelligent "We the People" could, like at the founding of the U.S., design the specifics of a new System of global governance. [New web pages will be coming soon to describe these concepts and acronyms]
The Global Challenges Foundation asked a set of questions which were answered by the proposal:
The Global Challenges Foundation asked a set of questions which were answered by the proposal:
- Abstract (no more than 1000 words)
- Description of the Model (no more than 5500 words)
- Argumentation demonstrating how the model meets the assessment criteria (no more than 2750 words)
To understand how this solution strategy can work see the free 5-part video seminar "Essential Wisdom for solving society's biggest issues"
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