- Financially, there are different kinds of donors ...
- a) Normal philanthropy (i.e. direct help to lessen or remedy inequities and prejudices) —This simple project promises to dramatically improve these inequities and injustices.
- b) Political donors (seeking the legislation and leadership to remedy things)— This simple project promises to dramatically improve the nature of politics, inserting the "Public Interest" into what is normally just a battle of "Special Interests".
- c) Improving the System... (e.g. eliminating corruption or bringing forward "deliberative democracy" strategies) — This simple strategy offers a shortcut to the consideration and implementation of system-improvements.
- d) Transform the "Dynamical System" from Box to Circle. — Implementing Society's Breakthrough will transform our current machine-like System, where there is no collective thinking process, into a living system, where "We the People" provide responsible leadership to governments and the economy
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