A ToBe is when we all stop for a moment to reflect together about "what's going on?" "what's the real problem?" "what do we want?" and "how best to go forward?" A ToBe requires that we do this thinking in the spirit of choice-creating. It's where we think together authentically and creatively, reaching shared understandings, greater consciousness, collective intelligence and breakthrough progress. Dynamic Facilitation can be used to reliably evoke the spirit of choice-creating in groups. The Wisdom Council Process uses Dynamic Facilitation and these ToBe moments to spark the spirit of "We the People," by which We all can get involved, face the most important impossible-seeming Monster Issues and reach near unity about what's going on and what to do. Breakthrough progress is normal! ... THIS IS A NEW SYSTEM OF THINKING, GOVERNANCE AND ECONOMICS! ... But it's safe because it's basically what we already have, with just an added voluntary conversation. ... This process restructures our existing System to include people's involvement and resulting collective intelligence. Of course, this affects all problems and provides for us to wisely steward the well being of our planet and our people.
The ToBe Project applies the Wisdom Council Process to GLOBAL society. This Project has 8 steps, where each of the steps is accessible and yields positive benefits by itself. With enough money and media support we, just us, can start.
From the 8 steps shown below, it is likely that a 9th step will arise. It's not a step that we (just us) take, but one that is likely to occur.
The ToBe Project applies the Wisdom Council Process to GLOBAL society. This Project has 8 steps, where each of the steps is accessible and yields positive benefits by itself. With enough money and media support we, just us, can start.
From the 8 steps shown below, it is likely that a 9th step will arise. It's not a step that we (just us) take, but one that is likely to occur.
Step 1 ... Gather "Just Us" and adequate resources"Just Us" is a small group of people who basically look at society's problems and examine this Wise Democracy approach and excitedly say "This must happen!" These people recognize that our System is causing the Monster Problems, that the System must be transformed and that the Wisdom Council Process offers a simple, accessible, safe way to spark the transformation ... Most of us tend to pursue "normal solutions" instead. ...e.g. street demonstrations, lobbying, modeling the new paradigm, elevating personal consciousness, civic education, new technologies, new leaders, conscious purchasing, etc. But these "solution-approaches" are aimed at improving the existing System, not recognize that our System is the problem. They are not enough to avoid societal collapse.... Step #1 is a benefit: This small group illustrates the power of a new facilitative model of change, where all of us work creatively together.
Step 2 ... Identify a Monster Problem to addressThere are many urgent impossible-seeming global problems that are worsening relentlessly, e.g. climate crisis, species extinction, loss of fresh water, loss of top soils, release of toxic materials, mal-distribution of wealth, over consumption, etc. In this step we draw attention to one of these issues at a time. It doesn't need to be well-defined. We just identify some "impossible-seeming mess" that most all people care about. A poll can pick the issue. Or elected officials can identify one. Or we can ask for donations and let the donors pick it. etc. ... Step #2 is a benefit: It focuses attention on one vital issue and orients people toward helping solve it in an empowered way.
Step 3 ... Randomly select 10 to 16 peopleHere we identify 10 to 16 random people from the global population and bring them together as the first Wisdom Council. Of course, achieving an accurate random selection is difficult, but we do the best we can. We ask a respected polling organization to provide us with, as much as possible, a legitimate random sample of people.. ... Step #3 is a benefit: It creates a living symbol of all-the-people where, like the first picture of earth from space, we can appreciate all of humanity in one view.
Step 4 ... Use Dynamic Facilitation to reliably evoke the spirit of "choice-creating" in each Wisdom CouncilEach random group or "Wisdom Council" is gathered to meet for just a few days with someone skilled in Dynamic Facilitation. This is the magic sauce. The thinking process is not decision-making or problem-solving but choice-creating. This small group achieves unity through shifts and breakthroughs and co-creates a shared story about how this diverse group achieved its unity. This is a motley group of ordinary people facing an impossible-seeming existential issue for society and determining: "the "real problem", the "truth", what we really want, and a wise strategy going forward. ... Step #4 is a benefit: It introduces and sets in motion the core choice-creating conversation by which an inclusive powerful "We the People" can come into being.
Step 5 ... Convene one live "global community" meeting where the Wisdom Council presents the story of its journey & its unified conclusionsAfter the Wisdom Council reaches its conclusions the members walk onstage and present their story to a large live f-t-f audience (including a broadcast audience) and to video cameras for later viewing. The members tell a little about themselves, their conclusions and how they reached their unified conclusions. This is not a presentation of "recommendations" or "proposals", which is what one might think. And what other councils tend to seek. Instead, this is a symbolic sharing from the people to the people. It's a reflection aimed to help all of us to think together at this deeper level. Generally, it's where the audience recognizes these conclusions and this process "yes, this is what I feel and what think also." After the Wisdom Council members finish, "audience members," whether f-t-f or watching the broadcast, talk with one another. And in most experiments we've found they essentially say "Yes, I think so too. And ...(they continue talking in a spirit similar to choice-creating)" So here's ac way to achieve unity throughout the entire global community in a fairly quick fashion!. Yes, there will be people who don't hear and those who think differently but rather than just saying "I agree or disagree," this process orients people not toward rapid judgments but toward continuing to build on the ideas. This is the missing grounding element to our System. We the People need to start talking and thinking about the Big issues creatively together in a way that wise actions result. ... Step #5 is a benefit: It helps people embrace and enhance a particular story of who we are, what is going on, what we want, and how we can work together to solve the chosen Monster problem.
Step 6 ... Structure Wisdom Councils to be ongoing The Wisdom Council Process convenes ONE ONGOING WHOLE-SYSTEM CHOICE-CREATING CONVERSATION about the most important issues the community faces. This generates "collective intelligence" on the particular issue. And since the process is ongoing, where new randomly selected Wisdom Councils are gathered, the ongoing process is a restructuring of the underlying System. Now, there is a new "We the People" conversation at the top of the hierarchy. And as more people attend to this conversation and comment we approximate a legitimate inclusive "We the People." .... Step #6 is a benefit: It establishes a new all-inclusive creative ongoing "We the People" conversation where people achieve new levels of intelligence both collective and individual.
Step 7 ... Provide for the new "We the People" conversation to be inclusiveAs the global Wisdom Council Process continues, individuals, experts, leaders, media, celebrities, etc. will increasingly participate in co-creating the ultimate results. Especially when there is a crisis like a pandemic or the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or horrible new climate events ... people will want some place to talk and listen to others. This new whole-humanity conversation generates meaningful actions, both collective actions and coordinated individual actions. Plus, people share a growing understanding of the truth of our situation and what's needed to resolve it. Everyone is invited.. And everything is voluntary. ...Step #7 is a benefit: It provides a way for each person, NGO, corporation, philanthropy, government, etc. to get involved.
Step 8 ... Provide ways for people to learn more about this holistic model of change, especially choice-creating and Dynamic Facilitation The benefits claimed for the Wisdom Council Process can seem over-the-top good, almost magical. Fortunately, we don't need to sell these benefits ahead of time. Or for people to even understand how it works ahead of time. With adequate resources we (just us) convene the new conversation and provide for its facilitation, allowing people to experience the benefits for themselves. Later, we can help people understand why this is working and how this conversation achieves miraculous-seeming results. For instance, people may want to learn the distinction between "decision-making" and "choice-creating." And between different kinds of democratic process. Or to see the difference between Citizens Assemblies and the Wisdom Council Process. ... Step #8 is a benefit: It can help people feel a new level of empowerment in the face of seemingly impossible existential societal issues.
This EXTRA STEP will arise naturally from the process ..
Step 9 ... "We the People" will create a global Constitution with the Wisdom Council Process as part of it.When Wisdom Councils finish they regularly state as one of their conclusions: "this process needs to keep happening. And it should be chartered into our existing System." So for instance, with the ToBe Process applied to the USA, it is likely that the Wise Democracy Amendment. or something like it will be enacted into the Constitution.
Implementing the ToBe Project promises Immense Benefits ... And each step by itself can realize huge benefits.
e.g. Currently, global governance is a pipe dream. The United Nations is hopelessly bureaucratic with little power of enforcement. And climate treaties among nations are regularly ignored. Here is an out-of-the-box way to provide for wise management of the global commons. These 8 steps promise the emergence of an ongoing "We the People" (i.e. all of us acting intelligently together) with the capability of structuring a global system that can design and establish a global constitution.
Additional Resources
- Article at the Catalyst 2030 website, "The ToBe Project: A Shortcut to Global Transformation."
The ToBe Project: A Shortcut to Global Transformationcatalyst2030.medium.com - 5-part video seminar:, Essential Wisdom for Solving Society's Biggest Issues
- Dr Future Show interview with Jim Rough and his wife Cassie Firman ... www.drfutureshow.com/drfutureblog/58-future-now-interviewdiscussion-making-democracy-wise-with.html