- The Wisdom of Dynamic Facilitation by Andrea Gewessler
- An Unsung Treasure for Facilitations and Civilizations by Tom Atlee
- Wise Democracy: A strategy for involving citizens, transcending partisanship, and solving impossible public issues by Jim Rough
- Transforming the Public Conversation ... by Jim Rough
- An Experimental Framework for Community Democracy ... by Richard K. Moore
- A Rebirth of 'We the People'... by Jim Rough
- The Circle Organization: Structuring for collective wisdom by Jim Rough
BOOKS describing the Wisdom Council Process:
- Society's Breakthrough! Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People by Jim Rough (2002). This book describes the Wisdom Council as applied to the United States, implemented as a U.S. Constitutional Amendment. Since then, our experiments have discovered that it's possible for a legitimate "We the People" to be facilitated without the amendment.
- Empowering Public Wisdom: A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics, by Tom Atlee, Evolver Editions, 2012. This book … and Tom's work in general … leaps politics and democracy ahead. Every political political scientist should read this book.
- The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-intelligence to Create a World that Works for All" by Tom Atlee (2003). In his usual beautiful style Tom brings all the democracy techniques together, including Dynamic Facilitation and the Wisdom Council, under the banner of "co-intelligence."
- Escaping the Matrix: How We the People Can Change the World by Richard K. Moore (2005). Richard describes how Dynamic Facilitation and the Wisdom Council are key to bringing forth a society in harmony.
- Reuniting America: A Toolkit for Changing the Political Game by Joseph McCormick and Steve Bhaerman (2011). Joseph tells his story from being a right wing politician to a democracy pioneer seeking to transcend partisanship.
- Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman (2010).
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