"Society's Breakthrough" is a way we ("just us) can facilitate a new level of collective intelligence into our global system to address such issues as climate change, species extinction, the mal-distribution of wealth, etc.. And/or our national system to address the partisan battle, money-in-politics, media silos, etc. It's way to facilitate all the people to get involved, to work together as "We the People" and to transform our underlying system.
Society's Breakthrough is the application of the Wisdom Council Process to the
Society's Breakthrough is the application of the Wisdom Council Process to the
- global Metacrisis—See Solving GLOBAL issues
- national Metacrisis—See Solving NATIONAL issues
Introduction to Society's Breakthrough ... Steve Bhaerman interviews Jim Rough
This recent video conversation occurred just after Steve (aka "Swami Beyondananda") did his stand-up comedy act! (It was a riot!!) ... Steve also co-wrote a book with Bruce Lipton called "Spontaneous Evolution" in which the Wisdom Council Process is featured. Below Steve interviews Jim about Society's Breakthrough as the path to Wise Democracy.
A brief introduction to the ToBe Project ...
This project is pretty basic ... implementing the Wisdom Council Process at the global (or national) level. For more details see The ToBe Project
- Gather "Just Us" and adequate resources (Just Us are the people who basically get it and say "This must happen!")
- Identify the first "Monster Problem" to address (i.e. Monsters are impossible-seeming existential issues)
- Randomly select 10 to 16 people (As random as possible)
- Use Dynamic Facilitation to reliably evoke the spirit of "choice-creating" in each "Wisdom Council" (Choice-creating is the quality of thinking by which to solve impossible-seeming problems)
- Convene a live "community meeting" (global and or national). (The Wisdom Council presents its unified conclusions and the story of how it arrived at them. This starts the "We the People" conversation.)
- Arrange for global and/or national Wisdom Councils to occur regularly. (This assures that the new "We the People" conversation is structured as part of the underlying System)
- Provide for the new whole-system conversation to include everyone. (This includes someone who hears about the results and comments to a friend)
- Provide ways for all to learn more about this holistic model of change (i.e. the Wisdom Council Process), the essential mode of thinking for solving impossible problems (i.e. Choice-creating) and how we can reliably evoke it (i.e. Dynamic Facilitation)
This is a BREAKTHROUGH strategy but it's been around for decades already. It's a way for us to transform the underlying System of Thinking, Economics and Governance so we can have the prospect of living together in a sane, sustainable society,
Society's Breakthrough at the global level
Society's Breakthrough at the National level .. interview with Robert David Steele
The 2002 book Society’s Breakthrough! Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People by Jim RoughRobert David Steele was #1 nonfiction book reviewer on Amazon.com at the time. He said "Society's Breakthrough is perhaps one of the ten most important books available in English." Then later in December 2020 Robert, now a MAGA Republican, invited Jim to his podcast for a followup interview ....
More information
- Society's Breakthrough as a GLOBAL solution strategy.
- Society's Breakthrough as a national solution strategy for the U.S.
- Free 5-part video seminar: "Essential Wisdom for solving society's biggest problems". Each part of the seminar explores a different element of the strategy: 1) Facilitation, how a small group can transform the conversation of a system of people; 2) Choice-creating as the essential form of thinking that needs to be facilitated; 3) Dynamic Facilitation as a way to reliably evoke choice-creating; 4) The Wisdom Council Process as a reliable way to spark choice-creating in large systems of people; and 5) Society's Breakthrough, the application of the Wisdom Council Process to society itself (i.e. global and national).
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