Nine charts comparing key concepts
- Decision-making vs. Choice-creating ... Most people think of governance as being about collective “decision-making.” We are saying that to achieve true democracy there also needs to be a structure for whole-system “choice-creating".
- Dialog vs. Deliberation vs. Choice-creating ... Often when talking about improving democracy people use terms like “dialogue” or “deliberation.” But "Wise Democracy" requires choice-creating.
- Comparing Dynamic Facilitation vs. Traditional Facilitation ... Dynamic Facilitation can reliably evoke choice-creating. This chart describes some differences between Dynamic Facilitation and Traditional forms of facilitation.
- Three Democratic Forms of Thinking ... How does a large group of people think together and make collective "decisions?" Three possible approaches are: 1) “voting” ... using judgment; 2) consensus ... seeking people's consent; and 3) choice-creating ... where we all co-create unity.
- Three Citizen Engagement Strategies ... OK! You want to involve the public in a decision. How can this happen? ... Three approaches for public engagement are compared. One is based in dialogue, another in deliberation, and the third in choice-creating.
- Seven Strategies to Fix America ... People gravitate to six common solution strategies. But there is one more which offers breakthrough potential.
- Seven solution strategies for climate change ... Again, people gravitate toward six common solution strategies. The seventh, setting up a global Wisdom Council Process, is essential if the others are to work.
- Society’s Breakthrough! ...2002 vs. 2016 ...In 2002 the book, "Society's Breakthrough! Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People", was published. Since then we have gained experience with the Wisdom Council Process. Now we know it works better and easier than we could've known. Here's a chart that illustrates some of the differences between the "Society's Breakthrough" in 2002 vs. 2016
- The Citizens Assembly vs. The Wisdom Council Process ... Here are two different citizen participation strategies for solving societal problems at large scale. The organization Extinction Rebellion, for instance, is literally fighting for action on climate change. One of their demands is that Citizens Assemblies be used. Far better (we think) is the Wisdom Council Process. And there's no need to "demand" it.
Please Donate to the Center for Wise Democracy! ... All donations are tax-deductible. We are a 501-c3 organization.