Help to heal a Divided Nation &
to usher in a Sustainable World ...
Social innovations allow us to do this!
The Wisdom Council Process reliably empowers citizens as We the People, to solve the Monster Problems by transforming the System. about EFFECTIVE, "Wise Democracy". We know this works!
Participatory democracy is firmly anchored in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, beginning in 1999 with the foundation of the Office of Future-related Issues, which was formed specifically to address the widening gap between the governed and the government. The Wisdom Council Process, conceived in the USA, was implemented at the state level in 2006.
Vorarlberg adopted this approach by constitutional amendment in 2013. Salzburg Parliament has also instituted citizens wisdom council by constitutional amendment [see How to Reform Democracy].
Participatory democracy is firmly anchored in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, beginning in 1999 with the foundation of the Office of Future-related Issues, which was formed specifically to address the widening gap between the governed and the government. The Wisdom Council Process, conceived in the USA, was implemented at the state level in 2006.
Vorarlberg adopted this approach by constitutional amendment in 2013. Salzburg Parliament has also instituted citizens wisdom council by constitutional amendment [see How to Reform Democracy].
“Show me a model that yields such results.
In 10 years I have not found it.”
Manfred Hellrigl, former director, Office of Future-related Issues, Vorarlberg
Marks the 245th Year of America's Independence
from the old system of loyalty to the crown.
From loyalty to the King... to the Constitution.
The USA, in the words of civil rights attorney J.L. Chestnut, is
"the greatest experiment in democracy in the history of the world."
Now, in the 21st century, in a nation of unprecedented diversity and 300 million people
We converge to champion this bold new step …to a
“Wise Democracy”
from the old system of loyalty to the crown.
From loyalty to the King... to the Constitution.
The USA, in the words of civil rights attorney J.L. Chestnut, is
"the greatest experiment in democracy in the history of the world."
Now, in the 21st century, in a nation of unprecedented diversity and 300 million people
We converge to champion this bold new step …to a
“Wise Democracy”
Across the USA...
The Wisdom Council Process has been piloted in numerous instances with heartening outcomes. In cities and schools and organizations we have learned that ordinary people can come together to co-create a clear vision of the “public interest,” to build trust across the political divide; and to provide responsible leadership to “decision-makers.” Even in a divided nation, we know how to facilitate the missing “We the People” conversation.
Here’s how a legitimate “We the People” can come into being for the United States, where “We” all get involved in solving our nation’s problems together. And, you can help bring this process to the U.S.
The Wisdom Council Process has been piloted in numerous instances with heartening outcomes. In cities and schools and organizations we have learned that ordinary people can come together to co-create a clear vision of the “public interest,” to build trust across the political divide; and to provide responsible leadership to “decision-makers.” Even in a divided nation, we know how to facilitate the missing “We the People” conversation.
Here’s how a legitimate “We the People” can come into being for the United States, where “We” all get involved in solving our nation’s problems together. And, you can help bring this process to the U.S.
Wise Democracy Citizens Wisdom Council is jumpstarted by a two day process where 11-16 RANDOMLY SELECTED citizens are dynamically facilitated to reach unity. This process is set up so that all of us ultimately participate in their conversation, building a whole-system unified perspective. And this process is repeated regularly so that this becomes an ongoing “We the People” conversation, where We the People address the really important issues and provide responsible leadership to governments, the economy and the culture.
"..what I discovered.., there was an evolving culture of participation in the State of Vorarlberg."
Patrizia Nanz, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Austria
Essential Wisdom for solving society's biggest problems..
We have developed social innovations by which a few of us can facilitate our divided nation to heal itself. Because of the experiments and adaptations we know it works. But we also know it’s hard for people to “grok” the magical aspects for how it does work. We invite you to tune into Jim Rough's most recent offering; a five-week online series, “Essential Wisdom for Solving Society's Biggest Problems."
We have developed social innovations by which a few of us can facilitate our divided nation to heal itself. Because of the experiments and adaptations we know it works. But we also know it’s hard for people to “grok” the magical aspects for how it does work. We invite you to tune into Jim Rough's most recent offering; a five-week online series, “Essential Wisdom for Solving Society's Biggest Problems."
A word from Jim Rough:
"This 5-part seminar describes a "holution". That is, this strategy solves a multitude of impossible-seeming issues by facilitating system transformation—away from the system that is causing these problems to one where these problems go away naturally. Here's how we can facilitate "all" the people to come together, face our most pressing, impossible-seeming issues —e.g. global climate change, the rise of authoritarianism, money-in-politics, structural racism, etc.— and reach shared conclusions about what is going on, what we want and what to do. Naturally, adding this collective thinking process to what exists is a transformation of governance, economics, culture, etc. To recognize how this "holution" works requires some understandings of what we call "Essential Wisdom”, described in five sessions."
Essential Wisdom ~ 1-5 session progression
1) Facilitation ... Here's a different model of change, a departure from top-down and bottom-up solution approaches;
2) Choice-creating ... Here's the creative quality of thinking by which impossible problems can be solved, the magic sauce for this approach.;
3) Dynamic Facilitation ... Here's how we can reliably evoke "choice-creating” for individuals and small groups;
4) The Wisdom Council Process ... Here's how we can facilitate large systems of people into the spirit of choice-creating, where they achieve breakthrough progress on impossible issues;
5) Society's Breakthrough … Here's how we (just us) might use these tools to transform the global and national System of which we are a part.
2) Choice-creating ... Here's the creative quality of thinking by which impossible problems can be solved, the magic sauce for this approach.;
3) Dynamic Facilitation ... Here's how we can reliably evoke "choice-creating” for individuals and small groups;
4) The Wisdom Council Process ... Here's how we can facilitate large systems of people into the spirit of choice-creating, where they achieve breakthrough progress on impossible issues;
5) Society's Breakthrough … Here's how we (just us) might use these tools to transform the global and national System of which we are a part.
You are invited to be a part of this “Wise Democracy Project” where we apply the Citizens Wisdom Council Process[WCP] , to the seemingly impossible issue of “Healing a divided nation”. Our founding fathers and mothers established a form of “We the People”, which set in motion a Constitutional Republic. Today, we need this again.
This is an effective way for all of us to come back together again and again as “We the People” where we continually address impossible-seeming issues, reach win/win conclusions and provide responsible leadership to our government. This transition to “Wise Democracy” is not optional. It is essential.
We are working with a network of people who are dedicated to bringing these
social innovations forward... locally, nationally and globally.
We welcome your active participation and contributions to institute this model
for our nation and our World.
In order to form a more perfect union...... |
"This, then, should be our task. To put the intergenerational We above today’s Me, and create community through generosity." We Need a Department of the Future |