Hopefully, this "Monster Wish" encompasses your wish and the wishes of others.
That we (just us) can convene a national conversation where all the people come together respectfully; face Monster Problems like purchased politicians, media silos, homelessness and the threat of authoritarianism; co-create shared perspectives on what is really going on, what we want, and what we need to do; where this new creative collaborative "We the People" conversation achieves breakthrough progress on each Monster; where "We" provide wise leadership to government, corporations, NGO's and the culture so that needed changes happen in both distributed and collective ways; where this new conversation is ongoing so that it becomes part of the underlying structure of our society, assuring a new form of governance (i.e. Wise Democracy), a new form of economics (i.e. ToBe-ism) and a new culture; and where individuals achieve new levels of awareness, understanding, consciousness, empowerment, healing and freedom.
The Wise Democracy Project promises to achieve this Monster Wish
Does it achieve your Wish as well?
Additional resources
- See how the ToBe Project can be applied to global problems in a way that's similar to the The Wise Democracy Project
- Free Video Seminar (5-parts): "Essential Wisdom for Solving Society's Biggest Issues"
- Book (2002) “Society’s Breakthrough! Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People”